Hello Bungalow

Hello Bungalow is a hilarious female action-comedy about 3 women who struggle with their daily job in a worn out holiday park. Lead roles are portrayed by popular dutch actresses Lies Viscchedijk (Soof 1&2, Gooische Vrouwen 1&2) Eva van der Gucht (Dik Trom) en Anne-Marie Jung (Rokjesdag).

Only in the heat of the moment you discover who your best friends are.

In a worn out holiday park fate seems to have settled on the three female colleagues. Just when they thought their lives couldn’t get any more boring, they discover the hidden agenda of their boss. The holiday park appears to be a shady cover-up for criminal activities. The women decide to take matters in their own hand and blackmail their overly friendly boss. Since they too deserve feel they deserve a life of the rich and famous. Only they never thought to get stuck in a hard underworld. Can they fight their way out during peak season?

Release 2015
Language Dutch
Genre Comedy
Distributor Just Film Distribution
Director Anne de Clercq
Screenplay Anne de Clercq & Elle van Rijn
Cast Lies Visschedijk, Eva van der Gucht, Anne-Marie Jung, Jennifer Hofman, Stefan de Walle, Roeland Fernhout, Martijn Fischer

About us

Production company 2CFILM is headed by producers Edvard van 't Wout and Diede in 't Veld and has been active in the Dutch film industry since 2013. In recent years, 2CFILM has produced dozens of successful feature films and documentaries, including Hartenstraat, Jack Orders A Brother, Silverstar, Kelly and Zomer in Frankrijk. Six films have achieved a Golden Film Award (100,000 viewers) and one documentary a Crystal Film (10,000 viewers). Currently, 2CFILM is working on Dick Maas's film Amsterdamned II, Clement Virgo's Canadian co-production Steal Away and a two Amazon Original feature film, among others.

Our mission is to develop, finance and produce engaging, innovative audience films and series that not only entertain, but ideally have meaning and create dialogue. We aim to provide powerful and unforgettable viewing experiences for all, where ambitious new talent collaborates with experienced professionals. 2CFILM is a member of the NCP.